"Animals in the Bedroom" acrylic on canvas.30"x40"
(Technically finished in 2019, but signed in 2018)

"Man and Hairless Pet," acrylic on canvas.

"Yellow Dog," acrylic on paper.

"Lion and Snake," acrylic on canvas.

"Hysterical in a Cafe," acrylic on canvas.

"Endpapers for Best American Comics 2018," acrylic on felt.

"Two rabbits," acrylic on board.

"Big Blue Dog," acrylic and tempera on canvas.

"Floating Toys," acrylic on canvas.

"Four Dogs," acrylic on board.

"Housewarming Gift for Tom Van Deusen," acrylic on board.

"Sorrie," acrylic on canvas.

"Sorrie, Again" acrylic on canvas. In my haste to get away from clowns, I painted over several of my clown paintings (they became some of the paintings at the top of the page.) About a week after I painted over "Sorrie," someone emailed me expressing interest in purchasing it, and I told her the painting no longer existed. Her husband later contacted me and requested that I paint it again, as a Christmas gift to his wife.

"Clowns in the Woods," acrylic on canvas.

"Dancing Clowns," acrylic on canvas.

"Clowns... more clowns" acrylic on canvas.

"Clown Portaits," acrylic on board.
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